Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A day in the life

Chestnut’s life is very strenuous.

It takes much skill and persistence to find the comfiest spot in the house for a nap.. or two.. or three...


  1. Interesting pics, Heather. Your camera skills have this beautiful feline speaking volumes. She has an ancient Egyptian royalty about her and she lets you know it. I like the image of Bear, full of despairing patience, trying to reclaim some of his own blanket while Chestnut, quite oblivious, simply naps on. Her stare at the camera from her staircase throne shows her solidity of character. In the world of high fashion, I now know why it's called a catwalk - look at her strutting her stuff. She poses and she poses consciously, even in sleep I suspect. If only I could sleep as deeply as she does. This is one girl with character.
    Artistic use of light/dark interplay in some of the shots.

  2. I appreciate your observations Ian, just two important points: Chestnut is a he and Bear is a she :)

    But I completely agree with you, oh to be able to sleep like a cat.. and in particular, this cat. Chestnut is ridiculously laid back and a master of passive resistance. I am so jealous.

    1. Ah, at least I'm consistent in my stereotyping - to me all cats are female; all dogs, male. My apologies to Bear and Chestnut for confusing their sex, something I must avoid in general. Ha!

  3. Love this post! I haven't seen as much about your cat(s?) - Chestnut is beautiful, dignified, and obviously a Napping Superhero! The sequence of photos, especially those last two, had me giggling. Which is good, since I was just crying about Boscoe before coming over here. I didn't even know Boscoe, and I miss him. :( Thanks for sharing Chestnut with us today.

  4. Napping Superhero! That describes Chestnut perfectly. Glad you got a giggle out of these pictures. The last one is my favourite. I have been very sad about Boscoe as well and missing him even though I never met him, but I feel like I did.

  5. yes i wish i was a cat!
